Organon Illustration zweier Hände, eine hält eine Weltkugel, die andere ein Businessgebäude

Transparency is Our Standard Practice

We share information openly about our cooperation with patient organizations, healthcare professionals, and medical institutions.

Organon Illustration einer Frau, die Formulare ausfüllt

ScienceIndustries Pharma Code of Cooperation

As a member of ScienceIndustries (Chemistry Pharma Life Sciences Commercial Association), we publish our donations to patient organizations and to healthcare professionals (listed below) in accordance with the Pharma Cooperation Code:

  • Grants in the areas of research and development, including payments for participation in studies, clinical trials, and in prospective non-interventional studies
  • Grants associated with training events, for example conference or participation fees and the costs of travel and accommodation
  • Donations
  • Lecture and consulting fees
  • Sponsorships, for example financial contributions to large professional conferences or external training events

Overview of our donations to medical professionals and patient organizations

Grants to physicians and other healthcare professionals
Grants to patient organizations

No grants were made to patient organizations in the 2021 reporting period.

No grants were made to patient organizations in the 2022 reporting period.

No grants were made to patient organizations in the 2023 reporting period.

Do you have medical questions about our products? Would you like to report suspected side effects and product complaints? Please contact our

Medical Info Center

Do you have questions about orders, returns or delivery availability of our products? Please contact our

Customer Service

Do you have general questions about our company? Please contact our

Info Center
