Speaking their language: engaging teens on sexual and reproductive health

Organon’s grant to FAQ is using social media to reach young people on important topics like contraception

April 12, 2024

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Her Plan is Her Power is Organon’s three-year, $30 million commitment to drive global action and community-led responses to reduce unplanned pregnancies and empower women and girls when it comes to their sexual and reproductive health. As part of this initiative, the Her Promise grants program is enabling local responses around the world like this one, based on the unique geographic, cultural and institutional factors of each area. Together, these efforts are helping realize Organon’s goal to help prevent 120 million unplanned pregnancies globally by 2030.

Educating teenagers, especially on complex topics like sexual and reproductive health, can be a challenge. Often, it is not as much about the message as it is the messenger. Finding ways to meet teens where they are – on social media, mainly – is critical. That’s the idea behind F/A/Q – The Better Health Group’s initiative.

FAQ The Better Health Group initiative.  Students in South Africa are using social media to discuss sexual and reproductive health topics like contraception.

Called FAQ for short, the program is a pilot exploring the use of social media channels to educate teens in Germany and South Africa on sexual and reproductive health topics like contraception. In part thanks to a Her Promise grant from Organon, the initiative is discovering that using provocative images and terms – talking like a teen – is key to success.

“This program proves that young people should be the spokespeople to young people,” says Jan Weissflog, Organon’s Director, Market Access, Policy & Communications, DACH cluster.

Speaking the right language

Information on contraception is a critical need. As Bongwie Ndlovu, a Project Manager for FAQ in South Africa explains, there is still a stigma about discussing sexual and reproductive health with young people, in developed and developing countries alike.

The organization’s FAQ channel on TikTok is one of the most influential accounts in Central Europe, with more than 400,000 followers and over 43 million views. With Organon’s support, they’ve added e-learning content on contraception, including a tool to help young women select the best contraception method for them. And in South Africa, radio ads are reaching youth.

FAQ The Better Health Group initiative.  Students in Germany are using social media to discuss sexual and reproductive health topics like contraception.

“If we are willing to rephrase sexual health for young people and align with how they speak in popular culture, their receptiveness to the information is much better,” she notes.

Proven results

Between May and August 2023, FAQ’s content in Germany reached more than 30,000 people on Tik Tok. There were more than 175,000 engagements on the contraceptive content alone.

“If we are willing to rephrase sexual health for young people and align with how they speak in popular culture, their receptiveness to the information is much better.”

Bongwie Ndlovu, Project Manager, FAQ

And in South Africa, the added radio ads with FAQ content reached more than 1.5 million listeners through August 2023.

“It’s all about packaging the information in a way that is palatable for teens,” emphasizes Jan. “FAQ’s unique, thought-provoking approach is working and we’re proud to be part of their success.”