A Mother Navigates Her Son’s Childhood Eczema
Organon Global Communications team member Lauren Gencarelli shares her son’s experience living with eczema
March 5, 2025
Angry Skin: Early Signs of Chronic Skin Condition
When Lauren’s son Tyler was born, she expected him to have the quintessential baby-smooth skin we always hear about, and never imagined childhood eczema. But within the first month, Lauren noticed that his skin was dry, and she began to see rough, red patches. After trying nearly every over-the-counter lotion she could find, Lauren felt she was fighting a losing battle.

With Tyler still suffering, Lauren couldn’t help but think that she was doing something wrong as a mother. Her son’s red cheeks brought on uninvited comments from others that he was either too hot or too cold, adding to her anxiety and self-doubt. Friends and family tried their best to offer support, but they struggled to give Lauren advice on something they hadn’t experienced.
As a toddler, Tyler’s skin worsened. A long list of triggers, such as seasonal changes, fragrances, and stress, caused his skin to react, leading to what the family began to call his “angry skin.” As a result, Lauren had to be mindful of everything that came in contact with Tyler’s skin. She found herself feeling envious of parents who could bathe and moisturize their kids without those worries.
Chasing Relief: Managing Childhood Eczema Prone Skin
Fortunately, Lauren had a supportive pediatrician who diagnosed Tyler with eczema when he was still an infant. Also known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by itchy and swollen skin that affects approximately 16.5 million adults and about 10% of all children.1,2,3 The diagnosis, though, was just the beginning of what would soon to be a difficult journey to find appropriate treatment options to address Tyler’s eczema.

Initially, Lauren worked with her pediatrician to develop an eczema skincare routine using over-the-counter lotions. But as Tyler got older and his eczema worsened, the family’s go-to treatments no longer cut it. They turned to her son’s pediatrician for prescription suggestions, but they struggled to find options that addressed the more difficult-to-treat areas where Tyler’s eczema was particularly severe. Eventually, Lauren turned back to over-the-counter lotions for a gentler approach.
Playing Offense: Living with Eczema
As part of Organon’s Global Communications team, Lauren is driven by her personal experience as a mother. Her commitment to the company’s vision to help make a better and healthier every day a reality for patients, families, and communities is deeply influenced by her son’s ordeal. His journey has fueled her advocacy for patients with similar unmet needs, and she draws from her own story to bring a more personal, heartfelt approach to her work.

Now 10 years old, Tyler has largely outgrown the worst of his eczema. While occasional flare-ups still occur, Lauren feels better equipped to manage them. She’s found a balance between staying ahead of his childhood eczema triggers, like his sports gear, and allowing Tyler to live his life with few limitations. Tyler still plays all the sports he loves and doesn’t let his “angry skin” stop him from thriving.
For Lauren, this journey has been one of constant adaptation—learning and growing alongside her son. She’s not just advocating for her child; she’s become an advocate for others facing similar challenges. Through it all, Lauren’s unwavering support and dedication have made all the difference in Tyler’s ability to embrace life’s joys despite his childhood eczema.
1. Rea CJ, Tran KD, Jorina M, Wenren LM, Hawryluk EB, Toomey SL. A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Eczema Care Plan. Acad Pediatr. 2018 Sep-Oct;18(7):789-796. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2018.02.015. Epub 2018 Mar 2. PMID: 29505898.
2. Shaw TE, Currie GP, Koudelka CW, Simpson EL. Eczema prevalence in the United States: data from the 2003 National Survey of Children’s Health. J Invest Dermatol. 2011;131(1):67-73. doi:10.1038/jid.2010.251
3. Chiesa Fuxench ZC, Block JK, Boguniewicz M, et al. Atopic Dermatitis in America Study: A Cross-Sectional Study Examining the Prevalence and Disease Burden of Atopic Dermatitis in the US Adult Population. J Invest Dermatol. 2019;139(3):583-590. doi:10.1016/j.jid.2018.08.028