Supervisory Board for Organon in the Netherlands
August 2, 2023 9:31 am EDT
We are pleased and proud to announce the appointment of a Supervisory Board for Organon in the Netherlands. “As this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Organon Oss manufacturing site, in which we celebrate our strong heritage while building our future, we could not think of a better time for this installment”, say Wenny Raaijmakers (Manufacturing Site Leader, Organon Oss) and Petra Willems (Managing Director Organon Benelux) on behalf of Organon’s management in the Netherlands.
The official installation took place on August 1st. The Supervisory Board will consist of Mirjam Mol-Arts (Chair), Chris Doomernik and Hans Schikan. “We are delighted with the extensive knowledge, experience, and broad expertise that the members will bring to the Supervisory Board. We are looking forward to the valuable conversations and discussions that will undoubtedly help Organon to achieve its ambition to improve women’s health in the Netherlands.”
Organon celebrated its launch two years ago, as the only global company of its size focused on women’s health, after a spin-off from Merck & Co (MSD outside the US and Canada).
From left to right in the photo: Hans Schikan, Mirjam Mol-Arts, Chris Doomernik.