Life-size mural at Organon Oss is finished!
June 28, 2021 3:26 am EDT

OSS – Two months ago, we proudly announced that drug company MSD had taken the initiative for a special ode to women’s health. From three designs, the people from Oss convincingly chose RoosArt’s painting, which is entitled ‘The Pride of Oss’: an ode to women’s health, history and innovation. A lot has happened since then. Rosalie de Graaf will put the finishing touches to the enormous mural on Friday 2 July. The Oss manufacturing site has now been split off from MSD: on June 3 the name Organon returned and since then the name Organon has been displayed again on a number of the company buildings in Oss. After the mural has been completed, the name will also quickly return on the blue wall: a well-known name for a new company.
Are you curious how RoosArt made the beautiful artwork? Then watch the ‘making of’ video.
The characteristic, ribbed, blue wall was placed against the factory wall of the former Organon in the early seventies. The wall needs to be replaced in a few years, but has become a household name in Oss and surroundings. The blue wall symbolizes the many innovations that have been made in Oss in the field of women’s health. In the run-up to the split MSD-Organon, MSD invited three artists to make a move for the mural and presented the designs to the Ossetians.
Executive ‘mural artist’ RoosArt talks about her design: “My design is based on nature, where medicine originates. The tree symbolizes the basis of the company, which deals with different specializations, different branches. The three people in the design symbolize research, development and production. The painting gives a look inside the factory and shows the people with the right protective clothing. The bees in the design refer to the flowers and the bees. In the early 60s, a revolution started here in Oss thanks to the introduction of the contraceptive pill and the company is still working on solutions for women’s health in an innovative way.”
In response to the choice for ‘The Pride of Oss’, Wenny Raaijmakers, plant manager Organon Oss, says: “The wall has become a real icon over the years and belongs to the city, according to the inhabitants .” Generations of them have worked at the company, which has been on that spot since 1923. “And the people in Oss are proud of that. We are therefore pleased that three thousand inhabitants have made their voices heard.”