Water management
Access to clean and sustainable water is an essential component of our manufacturing processes.
Progress on goals
Integrate water stewardship principles into our business models by 2050.
By 2025:
- Aim to reduce water usage in our operations by >5% from 2020 levels.
- Aim to have at least 70% of our supplier* spend devoted to suppliers that have water reduction programs.
- Characterize and regularly update the water usage in our value chain.
*This concerns water-relevant suppliers.

Our approach
In late 2021, we endorsed the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, an initiative that advances corporate water stewardship around the world. This endorsement aligns with our water goals, as we strive to continuously improve in the six water stewardship areas.
Our Environmental Management Standard requires compliant, responsible and efficient water usage, ensures wastewater treatment and discharges adhere to external and internal standards, and manages water risk at our facilities. Each of our six owned manufacturing sites is responsible for the management and implementation of water resources and requirements of our Environmental Management Standard. In addition, they are responsible for full compliance with local regulatory requirements.
We manage and treat wastewater from our manufacturing facilities prior to discharge in line with regulatory standards and internal company requirements to minimize environmental impacts. We track and report water on an ongoing basis at our owned sites through a centralized system. Our Environmental Sustainability Center of Excellence (CoE) uses this information to gain insight into the global impact of our water usage. Water management is also part of our manufacturing sites’ environmental sustainability goals.
Learn more about our total water usage in our performance data tables in the ESG reporting center
Learn more about our work on climate change, waste management, and biodiversity