
Climate change threatens the health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend. Preserving and restoring these ecosystems will help ensure the continued availability of the many industrial resources, foods and medicines that originate in biological resources.

Progress on goals

By 2050:

Aim to preserve and increase biodiversity at our locations and in our communities.

Progress graphic on biodiversity efforts

By 2025: 

Seek to invest in projects that preserve and restore biodiversity at or near all Organon manufacturing sites and major* office locations. 

Progress graphic on biodiversity efforts

*Major office locations refers to our largest office locations based on square footage. 

Supporting biodiversity

Heist, Belgium

Image of shovel and sign from a tree planting volunteer event

In collaboration with Natuurpunt, our Heist manufacturing site completed a project to enhance nearby native forests through tree planting. Thanks to increased involvement from our employees and their families, the site not only surpassed its initial goal of planting 2,000 trees but doubled it, by planting a total of 4,000 trees, which is equivalent to two hectares. 

Cramlington, UK

Organon employee volunteer event. Group of employees in field holding sign.

In 2022, our Cramlington manufacturing site initiated a partnership with Groundwork NE to invest in a program to restore river estuaries in northeast England. This collaboration not only supports nature restoration and the well-being of local communities, but also contributes to climate change mitigation efforts. 

Oss, Netherlands

Image of treelined field

Our Oss manufacturing site proudly supports The Oss Forest initiative. By planting trees in collaboration with local partners, including schools and residents, the site contributes to the creation of 20 hectares of forest in and around Oss. The planting event, that took place in early 2024, marked the beginning of this impactful endeavor. With 1200 trees sponsored, representing the number of employees at our Oss manufacturing site, the Oss site aims to enhance local biodiversity and mitigate CO2 emissions. This initiative not only fosters a healthier planet, but also contributes to a more vibrant community for our employees and residents of Oss. 

Pharmaceuticals in the environment

Organon is committed to the highest ethical standards – every day, in everything we do.

We approach managing pharmaceuticals’ impacts on the environment through collaboration, use of technical best practices and transparency. We are taking action to minimize the environmental impact of our products, and support positive change for a healthy planet, which is essential to the health of women. 

We actively assess potential environmental risk from product development through the manufacturing process and certain aspects of patient use. We collaborate both internally and externally to support continued research to manage pharmaceuticals in the environment by contributing toward and utilizing industry best practices, tools and resources. In addition, we support increased transparency to share research and innovations to evaluate and mitigate the potential environmental impacts of our products through their full life cycle. 

Learn more about our work regarding pharmaceuticals in the environment in our position statement in policies and positions 

Learn more about our work on climate changewater management, and waste management