illustration of multiple women of various backgrounds

ESG at Organon: Achieving Her Promise

We are working to achieve a better and healthier every day for every woman through a focus on innovation, access, gender equity and environmental stewardship.

Download our 2023 ESG Executive SummaryOpens a new window

Key 2023 achievements


Completed nine transactions since 2021, with two in 2023, which allows us to advance meaningfully toward our mission


Helped prevent ~65 million unintended pregnancies through the Her Promise Access Initiative, more than halfway to our goal


Female representation in roles at the director-level and above increased to 47%


Reduced, recycled or otherwise used beneficially* 93% of our operational waste from our six manufacturing sites

*Otherwise used beneficially includes composting and incinerated with heat recovery.

Image of Carrie Cox Chairman Organon Board of Directors

“Three years after our launch as an independent company, we’re proud of the progress we have made toward our ESG commitments and our vision of creating a better and healthier every day for every woman. We feel energized by the foundation we’re building today as well as Organon’s prospects for the future.” 

– Carrie Cox, Chairman, Organon’s Board of Directors and Robert Essner, Chairman, ESG Committee
Image of Robert Essner, Chairman Organon Board ESG Committee

Her Promise, our purpose

We imagine a world where women, the backbone of a thriving and resilient society, can readily access solutions that meet her health needs. A world where she prospers, and so does her family, her community and her world for generations to come. By addressing health conditions that are unique to women, affect her disproportionately or impact her differently, we are igniting our purpose to advance the complete health of women at all stages of her life journey.   

We help women and girls achieve their promise through better health. By investing in high-need areas, including those that have no established precedent and where we believe the current standard of care is unacceptable, we are enabling needed innovation in women’s healthcare.  

Our environmental, social and governance goals focus on three core areas: Her equity, Her planet and Her trust, along with the issues that matter most to our stakeholders, our business and most importantly, women around the world.   

illustration of woman with hair made of flowers

Our strategy and targets

Her equity

Throughout the world, women have vast unmet medical needs. Our goal is to redefine and harness innovation to help women and girls achieve their promise and lead healthier, more empowered lives.


Work together with partners to help prevent an estimated 120 million unintended pregnancies by 2030 by providing 100 million women and girls in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with affordable access to contraceptive options by 2030. 

Learn more about our goals and progress in innovation in women’s health, access to medicines and healthcare and human capital

progress graphic for unplanned pregnancies

Her planet

The health of women depends on the health of our planet. While the ongoing climate crisis affects the entire world, pervasive gender inequality magnifies its impact on women and girls. Our goal is to implement environmentally friendly practices and long-term sustainability initiatives across our operations and value chain to positively impact women everywhere.   


Support the transition to a low-carbon economy, with a long-term ambition to achieve net zero GHG emissions in our operations and through our supply chain. 

By 2025:

  • Aim to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by more than 25% from 2020 levels.  

Learn more about our goals and progress in climate change, waste management, water management and biodiversity

Progress graphic for scope  1 and 2 GHG emissions

* Includes biogenic emissions.

Her trust

We aim to be a credible voice for women’s rights and gender equity. We are committed to upholding the highest levels of ethics and integrity throughout our business. 


Aspire to maintain the expertise, gender and racial diversity that characterizes our Board composition today. 

Learn more about our goals and progress in governance and supplier diversity 

Progress graphic for Board of Directors diversity

Realizing her promise: Stories of impact

Our path to net zero: Supporting global biodiversity efforts

three women standing together

Partnering with communities to improve maternal health

One hand holding an orb showing a green earth and sky beside another hand holding a building representing the environment and industry

Powering the future with renewable energy

Learn more about our performance, policies, and positions on key topics in our ESG reporting center