Diversity, equity, inclusion & belonging

The heart of our company

We all belong

To be a part of the difference we want to see, we give a powerful voice to diversity within our own walls. Diversity is important in all we do; from the teams we hire to the people we help bring medicines to. We believe that when we encourage unique perspectives and backgrounds to shine, we can deliver on our mission to improve women’s healthcare in Australia and New Zealand.

join our team of diverse and skilled people


Thriving as individuals and as a company

We create a culture where our employees feel they belong. All of us here have an impact on who we are, what we do and how we act as a company.

Employee resource groups

Our employee resource groups (ERG) are employee-led teams that promote a diverse, inclusive workplace. Each group is united by a common interest or shared characteristic, whether it’s gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation, lifestyle, or interest.

Gender parity from top to bottom

We bring an exceptionally diverse team to lead our company, exceeding industry benchmarks in the percentage of women represented.

Working with diverse partners

We proactively create pathways within the supply chain with small, underrepresented-, women-, veteran-, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)-, and disability-owned business enterprises.