Illustration of woman with flower in hair, holding child with flowers in hair, black background- Environmental, Social and Governance

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

We are working to achieve a better and healthier every day for every woman through a focus on innovation, access, gender equity and environmental stewardship.

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Her Promise, Our Purpose

Our purpose is to help women and girls achieve their promise through better health and is inextricably linked to our company vision: to create a better and healthier every day for every woman around the world. By addressing gender-related disparities in health, we build a more sustainable future for women, families, economies and society. Our environmental, social and governance goals focus on three areas: Her Equity, Her Planet, and Her Trust, and the issues that matter most to our stakeholders, our business, and most importantly, women around the world.

Illustration of back of woman with flowers in hair representing the social aspect of the ESG platform

Her equity

Throughout the world, women have vast unmet medical needs. Our goal is to redefine and harness innovation to help women and girls achieve their promise and lead healthier, more empowered lives.

Illustration of woman cradling globe with scene of stream and mountains representing environmental aspects of the ESG framework

Her planet

Women are disproportionately affected by the impact of climate change. They are also more vulnerable to resource scarcity, which is why a healthy planet is important to helping women and girls achieve their promise.

Illustration of two rows of women of diverse cultural backgrounds facing each other on beige background representing ESG policy

Her trust

To fulfill her promise, we are working to promote balanced gender representation at all levels. We aim to reflect the gender equity within our company that we want to see in the world.

her plan is her power
Illustration of four women embracing